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March 2023

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Commodore Comments


Last year’s Wind Ceremony must have worked!  These last two months, we have been blessed with plentiful winds.  As an example, today, despite spring break already starting with lots of folks out of town, SPSC sailors came out of the woodwork to sample winds gusting over 30 mph!

We are lucky to have two weather stations here at Shell Point.  One station, the Weatherstem on top of the bathhouse, is a bit challenged in terms of exposure.  It’s a bit too close to the boathouse roof that provides some flow acceleration, and just upstream in southerly winds is a beautiful cedar tree that provides blockage and turbulence.  On the other hand, it does have a webcam so you can get an idea of the conditions before driving down.

 The other station (SHPF1), a real professional setup by the University of South Florida, has an anemometer sited about 6 meters above the ground and provides a more representative measurement of what the wind might be like just offshore.  Unfortunately, it doesn't report in real-time but is usually lagged a couple hours.  Nevertheless its a very helpful gauge for correlating your sail and board size or rig trim settings to a wind speed range… you just have to wait till you are done sailing to know what winds you were out in. 

The Weatherstem reports in mph and the USF reports in knots.  Since SPSC sailors are also called “20 knot snobs”, we prefer to use the more nautical term (a knot is a nautical mile per hour).  You just multiply knots by 1.15 to get a reading in mph.  Today while I was out sailing between 11:14 and 1 pm, the Weatherstem reported a peak gust of 33 mph while the peak gust at SHPF1 was 26 kts (31 mph).

It was great fun out there today just barely hanging on for dear life.  Like Perry says, I ran out of skill after an hour or so I didn’t last too long but the time I did have was very special, as well as the après-sail time discussing it with other SPSC enthusiasts (see below).

Out next big event coming up March 25 is the Wind Ceremony.  You will have a chance to write your wind wish on a paint stir stick and present it to the all and powerful Swami for a blessing before throwing it into the fire as an offering for good winds the rest of the year.  As a bonus, you also get to enjoy some pretty awesome music from fellow SPSC members, who play as the band Swami and the Festoons!  Bring your dancing feet and prepare for a Conga line!

Here are the links to our weather stations:

Shell Point WeatherStem:

Shell Point USF SHPF1:


Looking forward to dancing on the beach with all of you!

Mark Powell

SPSC Commodore


2023 Wind Ceremony - March 25th


Registration and shirt pickup starts at 3pm. Bring a dish and share it for our pot luck extravaganza at 6pm!



What is a swap meet you might ask?  Sometimes it’s swapping one thing for another, or swapping one thing for money, or just giving something away and feeling good about it because you know once again it will be used.

We have lots of new sailors who need gear, good, decent gear, not original windsurfer stuff, or duct taped sails, or mast bases that don’t fit anything anymore.

April 16th is the date for the swap meet and also the day for our first club members practice day!  Summer is quickly approaching.  So please think about the gear you have that hasn’t seen sunshine for several year and consider selling it for a very reasonable price or just giving it to a worthy recipient.

The specifics:

Windsurfing gear swap meet

April 16th

1pm until 4pm

If you have any questions,  please email Bob Graves at

Were You There . . .


PHRF Races

PHRF Races John McBride (850) 570-3467


Apalachee Bay Yacht Club sponsors Performance Handicap Racing Fleet (PHRF) races in the spring for larger (usually 20-40 ft long) sailing boats. To crew, you can just show up at a skippers' meeting at the clubhouse the day of the race or reach out ahead of time to the Vice Commodore who organizes the race series.  There is not always room for pick up crew at each race, so there is the risk of showing up and not being able to sail.


Skippers meeting: Meet under the clubhouse at 10:30 AM

Crews will be assigned with a skipper and courses decided upon.

Clubhouse is located at:  

69 Harbour Point Drive (if the gate is closed punch in 9134 to open it)

Crawfordville, FL 32327


Driving Directions:

At its intersection with US-98, drive south on Route 365 following highway signs to Shell Point. As you enter Shell Point, turn left (east) onto Harbour Point Drive, which takes you to the ABYC clubhouse.


PHRF Spring 2023 Race Schedule

March 18


April 29 (Stephen C. Smith Memorial Regatta)

May 13


SPSC Club Minutes, Tuesday, 7/14/2023


Place: District 850

18 people in attendance, great turnout considering it was Valentines Day! Great waitress.  Hopefully we will get a bigger room next time.


Rose, Chris, Ron, and Judy bowled some before coming to the meeting and apparently had a great time.


Commodore: Absent


Vice Commodore: As Vice Commodore, she had nothing, but as acting Commodore, she got the meeting underway and we all approved the minutes that no one read because they weren’t published but everyone knew the scribe always does an awesome job.


Scribe:  Nothing to add.


Purser: Have money in the bank.  Projector came in around $600 and it is a beauty.  75 memberships with only five or six scofflaws.  Will need some upcoming expenses for the Wind Ceremony for lighting and electrical.


Upcoming events and actions:

  • Wind Ceremony is March 25th.  Jack getting the band in shape.  Pot luck as usual.

  • Keys Trip - Kristin spoke about the this trip and what used to be and some folks still want to go.

  • Smith Regatta – Bob asked for donations.

  • Rum’n’ Root Beer - August 6th.  Need chair.

  • NIMBY – Wright trying to reach the motel we need to stay in.

  • Summer Series – Still in the works



            Presentation on heart health and the benefits to having an AED on hand.  Presentation was easily viewable with the new projector and AEDs appears easy to use.  Chest compressions are part of the process in using an AED. It was mentioned the fire station at Shell Point has one on hand.  We need to have a safety plan posted at the training trailer in case of an emergency.  Wright asked someone to check on what ABYC’s safety plan might be. 



Meeting adjourned at around 7:41.

Our Sponsors


For questions or comments regarding the SPSC, please contact SPSC Commodore
For questions or comments about this web site, please contact SPSC Webmaster .
To join our SPSC Google Group email, please contact SPSC Google Coordinator.



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