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January 2024

Well.... here we are again!  Another January!  The time of the year that marks new leadership!


Welcome to 2024 folks!  My name is Kristin Korinko, and I am your newly elected Commodore for the year.


I would like to thank Wright Finney for prompting (aka nudging) me to run again as I “didn’t have a typical Commodore tenure.” 


Well, that is because I will forever be known as the “COVID Commodore.”  My tenure during 2020 started off with a peaceful transition of power from Adam Bennett at Festivus, two in-person board and club meetings… and then… well y’all know what happened.  We coined a new term (John Stacklyn gets the credit) “Zoomtrovia!”  We saw HUGE acts of kindness by several of our club members (Teensie in particular) who provided homemade


Commodore's Comments ~ by Kristin Korinko, Commdore 2024!

masks to many sources who so desperately needed them!  We also saw multiple members of this club step up to honor the memory of Stephen C. Smith by both word and deed and bestowed a check to the American Cancer Society!


In sum, I LOVE THIS CLUB!  I am very humbled and proud to represent you back then and excited to now! 


For those who did not attend Festivus, the picture I believe speaks for itself.  Commodore Mark Powell who served us well in 2023 did peacefully relinquish his power, jacket, and staff.  Mark is an exemplary windsurfer!  If you have been following his travels, he continues to race and place honorably.  I tell him frequently that when I grow up, I want to windsurf like him. 


Which brings me to this point… you do not have to be a World Champion to ride with us!  Heck… my nickname is “Krash” for a reason!  😊  




I would like to welcome in our newly elected officers and board members.  I also encourage YOU to step up and be part of an upcoming event.  No job is too big or small—you are welcomed one and all!  Stay in-the-know with our website and our monthly newsletter! 


See you on the water!


Respectfully submitted,


Kristin Korinko (Olson)


2024 SPSC


From a Bartenders Perspective ~Paige Goddard

My first real bartending experience was at the SPSC Christmas party.  I have served drinks before but not like I did at this party which made me nervous at first.  On top of that, my friend who I invited to help did not show up.  Turns out I was worried about nothing because my mom came out to help me get started which I was grateful for.

Although some of the drinks may have been made wrong, that did not stop anyone from busting out their wild and fun dance moves.  I even got to see my Poppi and Grammy (Bob and Sandy) have their time to shine by slow dancing together which was very sweet. D JBobbyG played phenomenal music ranging from slower songs to more upbeat party songs.  This also made the crowd stand up off their feet and head straight to the dance floor.  I am not a dancer, but everyone looked like they were having so much fun it made me want to dance with them.

There were many entertaining and fun surprises, one of which was a ritual.  Each person grabbed a martini, gathered around, and said a chant.  The martini bar was run by Perry who was really friendly and helpful.  Everyone in general was sweet, outgoing, and generous, which made the experience amazing. 

There was lots of food and desserts, my favorite food being the meatballs, a recipe I would like soon! By the end of the night everything was worth it, and I would love to do it again.  I went home and told my sister about it, and she is interested in helping next year after she turns 18.


Lessons and the Summer Series for 2024

The new lessons schedule is published, so if you know folks who wish to take lessons, please have them go to our events site and find a day they would like to attend.

The upcoming Summer Series of racing starts in June, so you have plenty of time to get tuned up for the Smith regatta AND the Summer Series. Check the Events listings for the days, which will always be on a Sunday afternoon from 2pm-4pm.

This year we will have a Summer Series race committee that will, after all the racing is done, arbitrarily pick the winner in each category!  No, that would be a joke to do it that way, so we will just score the races as we normally do and pick the winners based on what they did on the water.

Last year, though the races were not heavily participated in, hanging with the newer sailors that were there for a practice day made the time on the beach great.   I keep hearing from the old timers that they used to just go to the beach and hang out and hope the wind would come up, enjoying the camaraderie. Happy to report that the newer members are doing the same and will have their own yarns to spin in future.

Come down on a practice day and relax or sail.  If ANYONE has decent equipment, mostly boards that are gathering dust, please let me know.  Lots of our students are asking and need equipment.

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For questions or comments regarding the SPSC, please contact SPSC Commodore
For questions or comments about this web site, please contact SPSC Webmaster .
To join our SPSC Google Group email, please contact SPSC Google Coordinator.



Copyright 2008 - 2024 Shell Point Sailboard Club, Tallahassee, Florida

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