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August 2023


Commodore Comments


Well August is here and lots of crazy people were down at the beach today doing funny dances, throwing spaghetti and collecting worms, paddling boards with bags of ice, and other assorted nonsense, all under the watchful gaze of a Sasquatch, sitting unseen on the Commodore’s lounge.    It can only mean the Rum and Rootbeer, organized by Rose for the fourth straight year!  Rose has a passion for designing clever, silly games, as well as really cool and each year brings its challenges, including COVID and thunderstorms.  If only the club had its own meteorologist!


This year I was too nervous about the bad weather to actually play.  My first words to Bobby when I showed up (fashionably 5 min late) was “it would be prudent to wait 30 min until that cell passes offshore”.  Of course more cells were to follow from the northwest, and there were outflow boundaries on the radar going north and south.  One of those northward outflows actually helped create enough of a respite to allow the games to continue.  Every rapidly rising cloud updraft looked like it was about to start lightning any second but the games went on, at least until a rather large cell inbound from Crawfordville started throwing lightning down like nobody’s business.  By then the R&R was finishing up.  I have no idea how things went after that since I hightailed it for a dinner in town but it was a great turnout with veteran members, several kids, and new members.  Thanks Rose, Andrea, Bobby, Sandy, Jack, and all others who helped out to make the R&R another successful event!  Well Done!


See you on the water!


Mark Powell

SPSC Commodore 


See Video

Haiku Corner

Ted Avellone came up with this and I thought it might be fun for other creative folks in the club to come up with their own Haiku’s to share. Ted submitted several, but here I will publish 3 to get YOUR creative juices flowing.


Submit your Haiku to and get published! These rules apply to writing haiku:

  • There are no more than 17 syllables.

  • Haiku is composed of only 3 lines.

  • Every first line of Haiku has 5 syllables, the second line has 7 syllables, and the third has 5 syllables.

From Ted Avellone:

In haste to embark

critical gear forgotten

sadly stuck on beach


Lo, behold the squatch!

hairy beast in the water

wait, it’s just Jack May


From Bob Andrews:

Shell Point Sailboard Club
Community building joy
With water people

From Perry Morris:

Windsurf lesson done

Martinis poured toast Festoons

Happy campers all


From Bob Graves:

The Beach quiets down

Swami appears all in white

Sound bounds everywhere


From Sandy Layne:

Butterfly wings flit
Skipping along the shoreline
Sailors work the wind


This article was originally published in the ABYC July 2023 newsletter, The Mark


ABYC Vice Commodore’s Corner - John McBride       

Sailing Camp was a roaring success. We have officially shaken off the COVID blues! Participation is better than ever before with three weeks of camp, bursting at the seams with new sailors.

In cooperation with the Shell Point Sailboard Club (SPSC) the kids had a lesson in board sailing each Wednesday of camp. We appreciate the wonderful partnership with SPSC and their generous efforts, time, and equipment. 

The new (to us) dinghies were a hit with the kids and looked great from the beach. Given a choice, the students preferred the new boats over other options. At least one Holder dinghy took a hit in a crossing and got holed. This put a fine point on the decision to step into a more durable boat for teaching kids. We appreciate the Board approving the purchase of the boats and all the parts needed to have a fleet of 7 boats ready for a few years of use. On June 24th, all the kids were invited back for a youth regatta where they could test their nascent skills.

SPSC Club Minutes, Tuesday, 7/11/2023

Place: District 850

Got the BIG room and with 16 people in attendance, it worked out great. 


Commodore: Gone until July 22 at the Gorge.


Vice Commodore: Will be talking about the Endless Summer later.


Scribe:  Thanked Ted for starting the Haiku corner and Andrea for a great article on becoming a board member.



  • Dues pay for our operating expenses and events help us do other things like fixing the planter, trailer, and getting training gear.

  • Insurance went from 2200 to 2600 with the cost being shared with the SCSMRF.  We have the lowest rate insurance the company offers. 

  • Planter costs were around $450, half of what was budgeted.

  • Wakulla county refunded the Wind Ceremony Deposit. 

  • $1600 allocated for training.  Balance is healthy. 

  • Memberships are at 94, numbers not seen since 2004,


Upcoming events and actions:

  • Rum ‘n’ Root Beer – Great games are coming your way so register now, early and often!

  • Beach Planter – Read the article in the newsletter to get the low down of what was done

  • Trailer –Pabst Blue Ribbon committee with Joe as chair has some ideas but further inspection of the trailer frame is required.  

  • Social Hour – Millers Ale House, July 28, 4:30ish.

  • Training – Training going well and Summer series off to a good yet shaky start

  • Endless Summer – Thanks to those who have already stepped up.  Please get door prize donations.  Need folks for cleanup.  Need someone to oversee dinner.  Perry calling Storms Shrimp Shack to see if they can do dinner since Posey’s can’t this year.  This will be the last year for wings by Rick and Judy.



Bob G did a presentation on the history of the Training Program AND showed what going to the Atlanta Fall Classic is like. The projector worked just fine.


Adjourned at around 7:48. 

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For questions or comments regarding the SPSC, please contact SPSC Commodore
For questions or comments about this web site, please contact SPSC Webmaster .
To join our SPSC Google Group email, please contact SPSC Google Coordinator.



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